Project Title: Physiotherapy Research at the Scottish Centre for Innovation in Spinal Cord Injury
There are an estimated 40,000 people living in the UK with a spinal cord injury. Each year there are over 1,000 new patients with more than 100 in Scotland.
The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust has offered funding to support a three year research physiotherapist, in recognition of the need to better evidence the importance of physiotherapy following spinal cord injury. Based at the Unit, the researcher’s objective is to determine the optimum dose of physiotherapy to maximise neuroplasticity and functional recovery in patients undergoing in-patient rehabilitation after spinal cord injury.
The project is being managed as a collaboration between Glasgow Caledonian University and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. A number of studies will be conducted to help understand the benefits of rehabilitation in the acute stage of injury, and is envisaged to improve the clinical outcomes and quality of life for people who have a spinal cord injury.